Programming & Conversions


Custom Programming
For many clients, computers allow the business to operate more effectively, more competitively and ultimately more profitably.  SOI's custom programming service addresses the unique needs of your business, combining the efforts of both programmers and consultants for an integrated solution. 

Our personnel are well versed in state-of-the-art programming languages.  The roads to a successful solution of your problem are varied:

  • Java
  • C++
  • RPG
  • Cobol
SOI is able to apply these technologies in a timely and cost-effective way so you can quickly realize gains from your investment. 

Manufacturing Sector Success
SOI has devised programs to improve practically every area of manufacturing, including:

  • Inventory turns
  • Customer service
  • Labor tracking and reporting
  • Cost containment
  • Release tracking
  • Quality control
  • Information flows 
Distributors and wholesalers have also successfully used these same programs to improve the way they do business.

Financial Sector Success
Other clients have realized improved financial related information.  Consolidations, ratios and reporting, and feedback performance systems are a few of the successfully implemented applications.

Conversions can be a painful and costly venture if you wish to protect your previous software investment.  Regardless of the degree of difficulty, SOI personnel will successfuly transition you from the old system to the new.  We will convert, rewrite, restructure, test and deliver a fully operational and documented system.

    Technical Services

     •  Planning
     •  Programming
     •  Implementation
     •  Maintenance

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