BPCS Extras

Bill of Materials Maintenance Utility


Bill of Materials Maintenance Utility allows BPCS users to create, copy, change or delete entire Bills of Material (BOM) and Planning Bills of Material for many items at once and also to maintain detail parameters, such as quantity per or scrap factors, for one or many components (‘children’) of existing BOM’s at once. 

What can you do with this program?

  • Change fields associated with child-parent relationships, such as quantity per, bubble number or scrap factor.
  • Changes can be done for multiple child-parent relationships or for records within a given effective date range.
  • Create multiple new bills by copying from a master item.
  • Delete multiple bills.
  • Copy multiple standard bills of material from one facility or method code combination to another.
  • Copy manufacturing notes when new bills of material are created. 

How does it work?
The user first selects a number of items for which Bills of Material are to be created, changed or deleted. The selection process allows items with common codes, such as item class, planner or buyer, to be included in the update.  In addition, a wild-card selection option can be used to find items with common values in common fields.   Having selected the items to be maintained, a master bill of materials is selected, which will be copied to all of the items in the selection.  In delete mode, the selected items will have their entire single-level Bills of Material deleted.

An audit trail of all actions is generated automatically.  The audit report can also be requested without an update, simulating the given update.  Users can elect to copy all or part of the existing BOM file prior to any updates taking place.

The Bill of Materials Maintenance Utility performs similar file updates to those found in the standard BPCS maintenance routines.  Complex logic is included to ensure that intricate updates of fields, such as component sequence numbers, lowest level codes, and MRP activity flags, are updated in just the same manner as in BPCS. Any possible errors or invalid conditions are highlighted to the user, either on screen or in a separate error audit report.

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    •   BPCS Extras
     Item Maintenance
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     Price Maintenance
     Notes Maintenance
     Bill of Materials
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